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Making the Tea

Colloidal Notes:

We get a lot of questions concerning the use of the Tri Star PEMF Rife Systems to make various metallic colloidal solutions. Let’s start with some basics and then move onto the different things to keep in mind.


The use of silver for antibacterial use goes back to at least the Roman Empire where they would put silver coins in the water jugs to keep the water fresh as an alternative medicine. The US where our medical system is run by the FDA/ Pharma, the use of natural health products has been strongly discouraged. Known processes, some of which were developed by the Military during war conditions; are just not discussed or even tolerated. The use of any type of RIFE technology is a good example, if you're an MD you are very strongly discouraged from anything to do with any non-FDA electrotherapy devices.

The same applies to silver and while the medical industry has started to move back into silver formulas for antibacterial use, they would much prefer Patented – massively overpriced esoteric chemical formulas of questionable value.

To date bacteria are able to overcome all but 2> 3 of our best Pharma antibiotics, an excellent example for research into Electrotherapy solutions.

MRSA  and now Lyme (with over 300 K new cases a year) infections in the US alone, is a poster child for this very serious problem. MRSA was once known as a common staph infection easily treated with penicillin – it is now untreatable except by just a few antibiotics and soon not even those will work.

This is probably the main reason people are turning to the old unprofitable methods of dealing with health issues and is the driver for the Renaissance of electrotherapy Research & treatments.

At Earth Glows we strive to develop Technology and devices that can be used across as many fields of interest as possible and the making of colloidal solutions is a prime area for our Systems.

Getting started:

All Tri Star Systems are pulsed DC energies and the Rogue VI and Plasma XL Systems are current limited as they produce only pulses and not a continuous power source.  Depending upon the System, these pulses are generated at different frequencies and common frequencies used for colloids are the Schumann and 40 Hz Gamma for Alzheimer’s and the basic TENS frequency of ~ 100 Hz. 

With the Tri Star Systems, you can input complex programs for very specific treatments. FreX16 is an excellent software program and we strongly recommend it. The advantage of using outside software systems is that they are under constant development and as with FreX, the resources that they have available to them far exceed any single product manufacturer.

With a program like FreX, you can actually make a colloid solution based on the frequencies in the program itself. Chemical reactions and processes routinely use frequencies that are tuned to accelerate or even initiate chemical actions. The use of specific frequency laser energy is used all the time, almost all uses of laser energies are based on the frequency that works best with the material or process whether it is cutting steel or a rock light show.

General pointers:

First you always want to use steam distilled water and Walmart water works great. Make sure that the container is absolutely clean – we suggest that you buy a glass jar and only use it for your brewing to start with and stay with glass – not metal or plastic.

We suggest that you use #12 > 14-gauge silver at 99.99% but 99.9% works just fine. You can buy it on eBay from reputable dealers and try to get around 2+ foot lengths, the single rods are rip-offs. You cut the wire to length and then roll it on a flat surface to get the wire straight.

The Tri Star Systems work best with a 1” separation between the wires. You can simply use a small piece of wood and couple of rubber bands or even tape to hold the rods in place.

We suggest that you reverse the connects when you start to see the ‘hair’ accumulate on the one rod. Do this instead of cleaning the rods and if you do clean them use something very soft. Baking soda/ toothpaste on a damp cloth works really well, remember they don’t have to be super clean, just a light buff is fine.

Also store the finished product in a dark cool area like a cabinet – but not a refrigerator unless you are going for serious colloidal as the colder temperature will increase the clumping action that forms the colloid. The same applies to freezing the solute – that will cause the solution to precipitate very quickly into the colloidal form.

When you first brew silver colloidal the solution is in the ionic form and after it sits for 24+ hours it will combine into the colloidal form of the silver. It is during this ‘aging’ period that users insert a Plasma emitter into the solution and continue the application of the software program but using the Plasma energies (or other accessories) instead of the silver electrodes themselves.

Using the R VI unit you can use a Plasma or Magnetic emitter in series with the colloid energy pulses.

A side note on the Plasma Emitters about inserting them into water. We try to seal the tube ends but if you do get water into the tubes just hang the tube upside down/ cable down and the water will drain out into the handle and evaporate. It won’t hurt the plasma assembly.

Remember that if/ when you use a meter to read the PPM of the solution – these devices are reading the ion content of the solution; they work by measuring the resistance of the solution. Distilled water when it is pure has a very high resistance but as the silver rods dissolve thru the electrical process the metal ions decrease the resistance and increase the conductivity of the solution.  

We have found that the color of the solution is probably the easiest way to gauge when you’re about where you should be – the color should be that of light tea. After you are done brewing you can use the solution immediately for maximum ionic effect or let it age into colloidal if that is what you want. 

How to use effectively:

The (2) best methods of using any colloidal solution is either under the tongue or by using a nasal spray, some people also use inhalers. You should try to avoid just swallowing the colloidal especially if you are interested in the ionic mixtures. 

Why? Well stomach fluids contain hydrochloric acid which is a very strong acid and ionic solution are alkaline so they will cancel each other out. The acid probably won’t affect the colloidal to much but remember that silver is a metal and the acid will affect the metal itself – so always try to avoid just swallowing it. You can get nasal sprayers on eBay real cheap and probably your local drugstore as well.

You can get around the stomach acid by taking an anti-acid like Tums or just baking soda first and that will neutralize the acid in your stomach.

Alzheimer’s treatments should always try to be under the tongue or using a nasal inhaler as this gets the colloidal directly into the brain region without getting diluted going thru the digestive tract. The Schumann & 40 Hz Gamma are a popular brew mix for ALZ. 

Basic Flavors for cooking:

Once you get into using different programs the next step is try different substances with your brew.

Of course, for most of this you will want to drink the mix so again make sure you have mixed in something to knockback the stomach acid.

Now as to liquids to mix with besides plain water you want to look for stuff that is chemically neutral. Tea is a very good choice but you should avoid the high acid fruits like lemons and tomatoes but bananas are really good and any artificial flavor is also a good choice.

Alcohol is a good choice as it is chemically neutral, we suggest a quality vodka to start with so you can establish a base line of effects before you try other alcohols like wine. Mixed drinks are also common just avoid acidic mixes like bloody Mary’s.

A lot of people brew up cannabis teas at the Schumann frequency and add some vodka/ light wine for a smooth energy drink. Remember, while you want to brew with just water to start, after you’re done you can mix it around just try to avoid the acids if you’re interested in the ionics.

The Bigger Picture:

Now that we’ve done a fast overview let’s talk about the larger picture that emerges using the Tri Star Systems.

The basic premise of the Tri Star Technologies is to not only offer the widest possible range of pulsed energies by using different accessories but to combine these devices into effective treatment programs.

While we can’t offer much direction in the sequence of application of these different energies – you will know best yourself what works for you, we can point out an important relationship involving colloids.

When you brew at specific frequencies those frequencies become imprinted on the colloid. When you further pump energy at those frequencies using the accessories, you resonate the mixture to that frequency along additional pathways. This is where you can add your side mixes and brew the whole batch together.

Some of the accessories are very effective at pumping action. The Plasma of course is very effective as light energy has a very high energy level – we recommend either the blue or green plasma. The MagStrobes are really good for added magnetic coupling of complex brews especially since the field has reversible magnetic polarity. The New PlasMag is probably the perfect match for giving your custom brew that extra kick of resonance.

Now speaking of resonance, after you have brewed up your favorite mix this is where the whole system starts to come together.

Since you brewed at certain frequencies, after you have ingested the mix however you want, then you go back and do a body exposure using the different accessories at those frequencies. The idea is that the brew within you will resonate with the external energy fields and by this action pump even more energy at those frequencies into your system. Think of it as an activation event with external energy fields.

With this in mind we strongly suggest that you always do some form of follow up energy input to enhance the colloidal effects and remember that you can use different frequencies to pump energy into the process. The Human body uses different levels of energies and while you may be using one with the colloidal you can also use another that resonates with it.   

Every person is different, and you will have a lot of fun experimenting around to see what paths work best for, but one thing that we can assure you of – you will know it when you hit it!  


Now that we have the basics down for the colloidal side of uses let’s take a look at other areas of interest and keeping in mind how we pull all of the accessories and applications together into a complete approach for the areas that you want to research and apply for impressive results.

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